What you and your community can do

Participate in the world wide event "Clean up the world"

Clean-up-the-world Event in Tonga
Learn from the example of Tonga, how the world-wide event "Clean-up-the-world" helps to raise awareness of waste issues, unite forces and make people smile.
PDF-Dokument [176.9 KB]

Produce goods from used plastic

Crocheting pretty handbags from plastic bags
Here is the first tutorial on how to crochet bags from self-fabricated plastic yarn. The web is full of crocheting tutorials for plastic yarn showing the individual steps.
PDF-Dokument [282.5 KB]

Plastic film recycling

Operational Guide Plastic Bag Recycling
US Chemistry Council
PDF-Dokument [461.1 KB]
Worksheet 1, Plastic Film Recycling: Determining the type of plastic film
US Chemstriy Council
PDF-Dokument [229.1 KB]
Worksheet 2, Plastic Film Recycling: Compare disposal cost to benefits of recovery
US Chemistry Council
PDF-Dokument [577.0 KB]
Worksheet 3, Plastic Film Recycling: Identifying your recycling options and connect with a recycler
US Chemistry Council
PDF-Dokument [583.4 KB]
Worksheet 4, Plastic Film Recycling: Design your collection strategy and educate
US Chemistry Council
PDF-Dokument [571.4 KB]
Public call for the collection of pellets
Prof Takada from the University of Tokyo is looking for certain plastic pellets for analytical use, which can be collected by volunteers at worldwide beaches.
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]